These are the people that keep the ship flying. With the advent of the second-generation Battlestars' increasingly computerised systems, crews in areas such as Engineering have become much smaller and more generalised in function. They often work closely with Deck crews to keep the ship running, and split duties such as DC (damage control) and maintenance between them.
Available Positions:
- Engineering Officer – The officers in Engineering oversee the daily operations of everything that happens in regards to the maintenance and fixing of the ship. Capable techs themselves, these crew members also can run damage control teams and help with any number of tasks aboard. The Chief Engineer (ChEng) runs the department and is the most senior officer within the group.
- Engineering Technicians (Electrical or Mechanical) – Similar to the Deck in terms of their taskings, these technicians are enlisted personnel who deal directly with the Hestia’s functional problems and upkeep. They perform most of the preventive maintenance in their specific specialty, either Electrical or Mechanical or both. Those who specialize in both should have time and experience to back this up.
- Engineering Technicians (Mechanical) are enlisted ratings who look after everything from the battlestar's fuel, power and propulsion systems that keep the ship flying, to the water purification and air recycling units that maintain the well being of the crew. They are also responsible for regular routine inspections of the hull and systems, often in zero gravity conditions.
- Engineering Technicians (Electrical) are enlisted ratings who look after the ship's electrical systems, including regular and routine maintenance of lighting and internal power, DRADIS and navigational equipment, ECM capability and communications equipment.