Juliette "Sunshine" Ozymandias |
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Kristen Bell as Juliette Ozymandias |
Name: | Juliette Ozymandias |
Alias: | Sunshine |
Age: | 18 |
Hair & Eyes: | Blonde and blue eyed |
Faction: | CMC |
Position: | Machine Gunner/PFC |
Colony: | Leonis |
Play Times: | Evenings or by Request |
Timezone: | EST |
Biographical Info
Juliette's mother and father were office workers in Laconia City on Leonis. She was an only child, but has a cousin who made Viper pilot not too long back, goes by the callsign of 'Sparrow' off of Battlestar Pacifica. Needless to say, that side of the family was a bit more upper crust. Leonisian, through and through, her family was pragmatic, spartan in lifestyle and desirous of freedom (especially personal freedom and the right to bear arms).
Standard Leonisian education aka High School. She lived in Laconia City on the Southern Continent and attended Major Leonidas Central High School there. While she was an A student, she didn't take hard classes… just the ones that were required. Where she excelled was in her extracurriculars, namely choir, the Pyramid and Swim teams, and cooking. Her specialty was in vegetarian meals.
Reputation (or Mil. Service)
Prior to PHD183, Juliette was viewed as a friendly, extremely perky Marine. She was green, fresh out of basic, when the Kharon left on it's mission and was more than a little wet behind the ears when the Colonies were destroyed. It was this friendly nature that made it painful for more than a few when she was captured after having assassinated Commander Sheridan. She is currently dead, assisted by a little mechanical marvel on her final journey while she awaited execution at the hands of her former squadmates.
Distinguishing Features
Blonde. Perky. Machine gun. Her Marine-issue helmet has bunny ears done in black utility tape on the top. Also? Dead.
- She lost two bunnies onboard CEC Kharon the day she came aboard, a male and female. Months later, their descendants were discovered still alive (and eating the ship) in the walls near the Marine Berthings. As to where they've been put, mum is the word.
- She rescued a cat off of the remains of space station Charybdis and hid him in the Cargo Bay. It is a white and orange tabby named Oscar. After the events of PHD183, Jules requested of Mimieux and Epi that he be taken care of once she was executed.
- She was shot four times on Scorpia. Her left hand, her right arm, her stomach and her left leg were all scarred, but well healed.
- She was tangentially related to the Rue family, also of Leonis.
- She killed Commander Sheridan on PHD183 and then claimed to be a Cylon.
- Big Gun
- Fisticuffs
- The Sneaky Sneaky
- Big Badda Booms (demo)
- Baking (Carrot, Chocolate, et al)
- Betrayal Most Foul!!!
On the Grid
Known Associates
Fox Platoon, Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 37th Marine Infantry Division
Sergeant John "Dutch" Elder. Dutch is pretty much the Marines' Marine. It's like everything you see in the recruitment videos and on the war vids, squeezed for it's purest juice and then baked by the fires of Hades. That's Dutch. He puts on a tough front and he's real humble about his skills, at least to me, but I think underneath it all he's a great guy, waiting for an awesome lady to give him love and smoochies. Station: Kharon | |
Corporal Epiphany "Shortstack" Jarot. I hope she gets her energy back. When she came to visit me in my cell, she was broken. I wish I could have given her back her hope, but she needs to get it back on her own. Station: Kharon | |
Ensign Salazar Nikos. A smart Marine. She didn't understand why I did what I did, but she respected me enough to give me my last day. Station: Kharon | |
Corporal Ashe "Paradox" Swift: He's a nice guy wrapped in an assholey shell. If he didn't get all antagonistic with the pilots (and everyone else) all the time, he'd be the perfect guy. He probably hates me now and that makes me sadder than I should be. Station: Kharon |
Timeline of Events
- MD0001 - Arrives on CEC Kharon with a duffle bag and a smile. Assigned to Fox Platoon, Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 37th Marine Infantry Division
- MD0005 - Manages to get into a mote of trouble right off the bat when her bunnies go missing on the ship. Major Vendas offers a potential non-violent resolution.
- MD0052 - Jules participates in the drill on the Odysseus and gets 12 confirmed 'kills' during the fake assault.
- PHD007 - She is given what amounts to a pep talk by Kai in the mess. Energized with optimism, she resumes her bunny search.
- PHD008 - She meets some of the other Marines on the shooting range, gets some good practice in and has another chat with Kai. She even manages to infect him with a little optimism in return. Not a whole lot. Just a little.
- PHD009 - Jules recovers a tabby off of a severely damaged Charybdis Station.
- PHD023 - Kharon is ambushed and boarded. Jules' squad ends up in the Mess and it turns into a blood bath against the Centurions. She survives, the Marine CO doesn't. Worse: she gets his brains all over her.
- PHD071 - Along with many others, Jules is stranded on Scorpia. As is her wont, she makes the best of it and comes out of the whole thing with a new appreciation for the tastiness of MREs and a love interest. She manages to make herself useful on planet by shooting Cylons with her Large Gun and searching out a Tourist Map to help her group find some of the others, in the process she gets shot. Many times. Owwie.
- PHD082 - Recovered from Scorpia.
- PHD085 - Participates in the Blood Drive on Kharon, giving generously, along with her fellow crew members (specifically Alex Nikolo). The fact that cookies and potential smoochies were the reward had nothing to do with it. At all.
- PHD129 - Salazar distributes BribeCookies to her Marines. Jules partakes and ends up learning of Epi's hardcore KaiCrush. She also breaks it to her that Kai is seeing somebody, even if she doesn't know who exactly.
- PHD131 - Happens upon a mostly nude Alex serving coffee to the pilots. He gets dressed and they take their convo down to the Library where he admits he needs some time to work some things out.
- PHD132 - Meets Martin for the first time and they have a conversation about their recent relationship related woes.
- PHD139 - Meets Ezra properly for the first time, then has an convo with Nyx before bed.
- PHD140 - Makes two new friends in the mess, Selene and Gresham. Nerd talk abounds.
- PHD141 - Ambushes Martin in the Game Room, soon to be joined by Selene, Jupiter and Ashe. Topics of conversation? Sam's crotch and porn. While fleeing said conversation, Jules faceplants in front of Ezra and ends up retreating with Selene to her bunk to retrieve a book she asked about.
- PHD142 - Alex breaks things off with her. Later, she cries her way through a load of laundry, getting advice and comfort from various crew members.
- PHD150 - Bumps into Epi outside of sickbay. Selene joins and after a conversation about the futility of trying to find a significant other aboard the Kharon, Epi departs for sleeptimes. Cluelessness abounds til Selene lays a kiss on Jules. And Jules runs away.
- PHD151 - Promoted to Private First Class by the new Marine CO Ezra. He said something to her that made her give the pins back after the Epic Marine Meeting. She found them pinned to her pillow that night. Sheesh.
- PHD151 - Gresham comes across Jules brooding in the Game Room, late late late. They peruse a wolfman comic Gresham was able to scrounge. Gresham shares that he's joined the air wing and Jules tells him about her promotion and the SeleneSmooch. Long story short, Jules got another kiss in less than 24 hours.
- PHD156 - Jules participates in a little Marine URRAHing with Panda. It is deemed instructional by Seriy, but not by Selene who falls on Jules. Ouch.
- PHD178 - Jules finally confronts Selene after many days of avoidance and clears the air.
- PHD183 - Jules plants a bomb in the Ward Room and kills Commander Jack Sheridan. She is intercepted by Salazar Nikos on her way to plant another bomb. Once caught, she goes peacefully to the brig, though she throws a wrench in the works when she vocally confesses to being a Cylon.
- PHD184 - Salazar interrogates Jules who doesn't deny planting the bomb to kill the Commander.
- PHD211 - Ezra attempts a different method of interrogation, involving a severe beat down. Jules' resists and he gets little information for his trouble.
- PHD213 - Selene is allowed to visit Jules before her execution. They discuss what's happened between them, Jules' actions and the future.
- PHD214 - Gresham is allowed to visit Jules before her execution. They try not to talk about what has happened and talk about it anyway. She swears to him that they will see one another again someday and he leaves her the Werewolf comic they perused together some weeks before.
- PHD215 - Kai is allowed to visit Jules before her execution. Clearly upset by her actions, the two part on sorrowful terms.
- PHD215 - Epi is allowed to visit Jules before her execution and comes seeking answers. She only gets more questions, however. But she leaves some jello.
- PHD215 - Salazar comes to her and tells her she's to be executed in 24 hours. She's given a day to live.
- PHD216 - Jules is killed in her cell while awaiting execution.
- "If you'd like to try a bigger gun sometime, I could show you my rifle. It looks all mean and grrrrr, but she doesn't bite."
- "I'm not scared of them. They're just machines. Evil bunny and people murdering machines."
- "Need a hug?"
- "Seems to me using technology when critters made of technology are all around us and want us dead isn't so smart… But y'know, I don't know 'smuch as you brainy types, maybe you're on to something."
- "Somehow, I don't think that the gods would make us suffer so if there wasn't a bright future for us all. I think what's more likely is that there's something bigger than all of us going on. There's no possible way for us to see the entire picture. Not yet. The best we can do is look out for each other and hope for the best."
- "Nothing you can know that isn't known, nothing you can see that isn't shown, nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be…"
- "Love is God's greatest gift…"
- Choccy
- Bunnies
- Puppies
- Kittens!
- Animals!!
- Friends!!!
- Machine Guns
- Being a Marine