Thematic and Tactical Information
The following is a list of pages providing optional thematic information to aid in roleplaying a viper pilot. The sources for the pictures in these pages are fairly diverse and only a few of these are our creations. Where credit is due and known, it is given.
Fighter Missions - This section will discuss the operational concept behind fighters - which is important to the successful operations of a fighter group. It talks about the differences in mission profiles and why certain things are more important than others. What is particularly important is the subsection about 'STRIKE ESCORT.' Know this stuff. If you don't read any other page here, read this one.
Section (Wingman) Tactics and Theory - This page goes into detail about why wingmen are important, what their functions are, and how to best employ them as a team-member. Think you're too good for a wingman? Think again. These tactics have been proven to work effectively with the +combat system as well. However, they will not get you more kills. BUT, they will end the engagements faster and safer - which should be everyone's biggest IC concern.
Pilot Terminology - Pretty self-explanatory. Common terms pilots use, etc. Some of this is fairly vulgar. Like most pilots.
The Basics of ACM - This page covers gunnery principals and some elementary maneuvers that score kills. The concepts explained are fairly basic and the author did their best to keep it as simple as possible. Most of this applies the best in atmospheric conditions, but the principals of conservation of energy, mass, and momentum are still applicable in space. It should be noted, though, that most of this page is dedicated to improving pose quality and holds little value with our current +combat system. However, reading this page (in addition to Section Tactics) will also help you all understand how certain wingmen work as an effective team and have such a tight bond ICly.
Need help getting started flying your ship on the game? Please see: A Pilot's Guide to MUSH style Flying.