Norman Reedus as Kamran Abreas Zaris |
Name: |
Kamran Abreas Zaris |
Alias: |
None |
Age: |
27 |
Hair & Eyes: |
Brown Hair, Blue Eyes |
Faction: |
Weapons |
Position: |
Lieutenant |
Colony: |
Aerelon |
Play Times: |
8p - 2a |
Timezone: |
US Arizona (no DST) |
Biographical Info
Kamran Abreas Zaris was born in the mountains of Aerelon twenty-seven years ago. His father, Maro, was the head of household of an ancestral family farm that has existed for three hundred years. The farm itself was in a plateau that was within driving distance of a small hamlet named Kilgore, which was where they had to travel weekly for mail, supplies, and the occasional visit to the local pub. Growing tomatoes and corn in the spring and harvesting pine trees in the fall, it was a year-round operation that began an hour before sunrise and ended an hour afterwards.
All of this, of course, was made possible by a large family as well as a few local hired hands. All present were Kamran's mother, Elisa, and a collection of seven siblings that placed Kamran directly in the middle of the family line. With two farmhands living in a guest house and an additional six hired during the summer for detassling corn, the large yet somehow meager farm at its largest housed seventeen. Needless to say this led Kamran to share a cramped bedroom with three of his brothers: Nestor, Dravo, and Lobett while his sisters Janica, Rinn, Maeve, and Gwynn had a similar setup across the hall.
One thing, however, was evident: Kamran didn't have a farmer's soul. His father recognized this early on and while most Aerelonians were pleased to live and die within the same hundred miles from where they were born, it was apparent that this wasn't Kamran's destiny. At the age of sixteen, Kamran's father took him out of school to meet with the Naval recruiters. With the mathematics scores alone, mostly focusing of physics and trajectory, Kamran was accepted into military academy through a Colony funded program for underprivelaged students. At the top of his class, there was none other than Kamran that the award could even begin to go to.
Military academy passed and he was accepted into Military School on Picon. The celebration in Kilgore alone before his deployment gathered the whole town, and he was promptly sent away with promises of shipped meals and letters. Up until the mail lines were cutoff by the holocaust, Kamran received at least one piece of mail a week from friends and family back home.
Putting his mathematics to use, it was decided during Military School at the great Academy on Picon that the poor boy would learn to control the impressive defensive batteries and nuke launchers of a Battlestar. Graduating in the top ten percent of his class at 22, Kamran was brought into the Navy as an ensign and assigned to Battlestar Triton as a member of the gunnery staff. Four long years were spent in peacetime rotation with regular stops on Caprica, and while all of his pre-war combat experience came from drills and wargames, his time spent there was priceless in terms of experience and mentorship. He continued to pursue his degree in advanced mathematics, having found a facility for the workings of numbers and mathematical formulae. During his four year stay aboard the Triton, he was taken under his wing by LtJG Karen Pylo, who's hero worship of Gaius Baltar led to many conversations about both science and theorhetical physics and what it could do for the benefit of the Colonies.
After four years of hard work, occasional visits to watch live Caprica Bucks games, and hard work on the Triton, Kamran received his Masters Degree in Advanced Mathematics and it was suggested to him by Pylo that he consider furthering his career. A Lieutenant Junior Grade at this time, Kamran began consulting with his officers as well as Fleet Command on Picon for openings in the fleet, and found that he was due for promotion. The paperwork was signed and Kamran was granted a promotion to full Lieutenant and transferred to Battlestar Hestia as head of the Weapons Department. Granted a two week vacation back home, it would be the last time that Kamran saw his family again before arriving on the Hestia. A year has passed, and since then he's been known to be quiet and a true professional in CIC. His lack of actual combat experience was put to the test on Armistice Day, personally overseeing the point defense rail weaponry that allowed the Hestia to escape with the Kansai, Sapta Rishis, and the Patricia. Since then, he's been quietly working on calculating the effective velocity of Cylon Raiders and their weaponry, trying to find a workable algorhythm that can be used to preempt their maneuverability. It's simple…with the right calculations you can fire a hole through the defense just as easily as you can use it to predict movement. After all…they're machines based on rules, and many of those rules are mathematical.
On a more strange note, Kamran has become an accomplished tattoo artist. A sketchbook artist as a child and excelling in art grades all throughout school, it wasn't until military school that he was exposed to the world of tattoo art. Unable to get one of his own until military school, it was at the age of eighteen that he received his first tattoo. Making a little side money designing flash pages for the walls at the tattoo shops, he was taken on as an apprentice during his four year term while finishing his degree. He was only able to work once a week and during scattered free periods, but since then he's become very comfortable with the art of applying ink to skin.
Kamran is known not to be the typical mathematics/science nerd. In fact, he's mostly known for being that quiet, disconnected genius that works on mathematical formula in his spare time. Seen often with a small notebook that he occasionally flips open to ponder over tea as if he's writing a novel, he's actually loathe to discuss numbers with people who aren't in the field or the interest. The other pad of paper he's seen often with is a sketchbook, having well over his last year and a half on the Hestia has grown a reputation as a tattoo artist. This, of course, leads him to being seen often with his face buried into some form of book, notebook, or sketchpad, spending his time alone.
On the other end of the scale, he's also known for being nowhere near stuffy or snobby. Raised on a farm and having pub crawled since the day his father gave him his first beer, he seems to lack any self identity or ego with being an officer or some form of genius. When the drinks are poured, he's the first to offer a toast and seems to have no problem spending quality social time with enlisted or officer alike. All of it, he says, is just another day on the farm.
((A good ooc example of his style of "nerd" is "Good Will Hunting"))
Distinguishing Features
On the Grid
Known Associates
"He who wants a rose must respect the thorn."
Persian Proverb
“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago”
— Friedrich Nietzsche
4th Special Operations Squadron (Ghostriders)

Mugshot |
The Skinny |
Lieutenant JG Katherine 'Crybaby' Ajtai. Kitty's a sweet girl. Perhaps too sweet. She's guarded, shy, and she's a little trapped within herself. Granted, she's lucky like I am to have survived this far with a sibling, even if her sibling's a grade A asshole. When I refused to fight him and washed my hands of the situation, I think I earned his eternal ire and made her relationship with him harder than it was before. What was I supposed to do? You can't fit a square peg in a round hole. No pun intended. |
Lieutenant JG Anton "Thorn" Komnenos. Right now him and Sam are dating. His involvement with Sam is part of what spurred the breakup, but him and I have called a truce. I've tried many, many times to explain that I didn't hit him over Sam. I hit him over ethics. I made the first move in the truce and I feel right about it, because I really do want the two of them to be happy. In the meantime, I'm glad to hope that Thorn doesn't consider me to have caused too much trouble for him. |
Lieutenant JG Kisseus "Madman" Matto. My brother in theory, my best friend, and my comrade in arms. We've pulled pranks together, broken bread together, and when I'm stupid he's usually first in line to not only tell me so, but then remind me that we're still friends. I'm getting better, Matto, and we don't spend nearly as much time together as we should. However, when we do, it's never a bad time. |
Captain Althea "Black Cat" Legacy. In progress, keep your pants on… |
Lieutenant Kyle "Birdman" Sparro. In progress, keep your pants on… |
Strike Fighter Squadron One-Two-Five (Vigilantes)

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The Skinny |
Ensign Nadiv "Poet" Roubani. There's something about Poet's quiet, perceptive wisdom that makes me feel like a witless, immature child. Normally that would be a bad thing, but every time I'm around him something he does or says makes me want to be a better person. I rarely go to chapel, but if I did I'd want to sit next to him. |
Lieutenant JG Jupiter "Fingers" Black. She's terrible and wonderful all at the same time. I don't pray often but when I do, I thank the Lords that we were able to keep together after all of this. I don't know what I'd so without her, and sometimes I want to punch her in the face. Above all, I don't think it's possible for me to care about any one single person more than I do her. All I can pray for is that if this war does take me, that she'll make it through. |
Ensign Eddie "Mooner" Morales. She told me once that she felt like after all we've gone through that she's not even a page in my history book. Honestly, no single thing she's said to me has hurt me more. If only she understood how much I truly care for her. She's a beautiful ghost that haunts me. I hurt her once, and sometimes I madly regret it. The rest of the time I try not to think about it. I'm just thankful that we're on speaking terms again. I wish the best for her, and thankfully, I'm watching her scars heal right before my very eyes. Maybe in the end it could be said we did things right. |
Lieutenant Samantha "Case" Passi. Case and I were a couple for quite the long time. We were on again, off again, and for the few times where things got really, really bad there were many really great times. When I decided to call it quits, everything was explosive and I feel like there's no way to tell her that she's important to me without stirring up old feelings. She's a beautiful girl, with a deep desire to love those around her. She wants to breathe life. THIS is the Samantha that I know. I only hope I haven't caused her to forget that. I will always be willing to be there for her, but I feel that I made the right call when the time came. |
Lieutenant JG Absalom Harris. It took me a long time to get to finally spend some time with him. I can say with a clear mind that I really was missing out. He's a great guy, and it's nice to be viciously competitive with someone that isn't my sister. Great wingman and the way we play off of each other is only going to make us better pilots. I hope the CAG keeps assigning us together, really. |
Captain Karim A. "Spider" Marek. At first I thought he was a sullen asshole. Around the time though that I threw a sucker punch at Thorn is when he truly became my leader. There was this disappointment in his eyes and I could tell that I let him down, which is what hurt the most. Imagine being in charge of all of the pilots and suffering through losses, wondering if there was something more you could have done to protect them. All I saw at that point was him willing to beat me into a pulp if I didn't get the point. If I didn't fear the system or the Cylons, by gods I was going to fear him. Now I'd jump through fire if he said he believed that I could do it. Gods watch over him. |
Lieutenant Abraham "Rabbit" Hale. In progress, keep your pants on… |
Lieutenant Castor "Shepherd" Leda. In progress, keep your pants on… |
Lieutenant Willem "Rebound" Price. In progress, keep your pants on… |
Ensign Bethany "Bangbang" Wallace. In progress, keep your pants on… |
Ensign Estrella Flores. In progress, keep your pants on… |
11th Fighter Wing

Captain Nini "Whiplash" Sito. ……bitch. |
Lieutenant "Your Name" Anonymous. Make a character, your face could be here by the bitch! |
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The Skinny |
Lieutenant Emmanuelle "Aly" Mimieux. Her and I first met when I blew the whistle on my own mental state. I knew I wasn't right in the head after I watched PO3 Sjetyrnnine tie her lips shut and maybe try to commit suicide. In Aly I've found many things: a warm and loving friend, a staunch ally, someone to laugh with, and someone to love. Maybe it's hard to explain but there's a spiritual core between her and I that puts me into a deep quiet, but it just makes sense to me. Things are…slowly becoming serious between her and I. What feels good is that not only am I not afraid of that, but that I know that it'll never get in the way of how we talk over tea and enjoy a good zombie movie. |
Petty Officer 3rd Class Tanazje "Nine" Sjetyrnnine. In progress, keep your pants on… |
Lieutenant Alyssa Odessyeon. In progress, keep your pants on…! |
Lieutenant JG Marius "Prophet" Cygnus. In progress, keep your pants on…! |
Lieutenant Ajax Crydel. In progress, keep your pants on…! |
Commander Jack Sheridan. In progress, keep your pants on…! |
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The Skinny |
Juliette "Sunshine" Ozymandias. What amazes me is that the most lifely, sweet, and nigh impenetrable source of joy like myself happens to be suspect number one in the bombing of our CO. It just…doesn't make sense. I don't want to believe it but what if I'm a fool for not? I just don't like to think about it. I'm not the guy to ask why and I'm sure as hell never going to understand why she did it if she did. I'll just keep flying my bird but…damn it, why her?. |
Lance Corporal Ashe Swift. Well, the shit end of the stick is that right around the time I actually approved of him dating my sister, they broke up. Regardless he's a great guy for a jarhead. If I were to have a triad night I'd invite him along. I consider him to be one of the guys, you know? He's real. I can appreciate that. |
Ensign Salazar N. Nikos. Hot, weird bitch. She's cool. I like the way she doesn't put up with any stupid bullshit, which is probably why her and I don't hang out much. It'd be like the stuffed morning A,B,C's mascot elephant hanging out with a rockstar known for bar brawls. Actually, she kinda makes me feel like a lame, boring guy. If only she knew how to do tats…. |
Lance Corporal Pandorian "Panda" Ajtai. This shaved ape is Kitty's brother. Kitty wanted his approval before we dated, and when I approached him like an adult about it he turned into a gorgon. He wanted to fight over it, and for a little while I thought 'sure, I'll face her brother for the honor of dating her'. But then it clicked in me that she didn't really try too hard to convince her brother that I was worth dating. Let me put it this way…I wouldn't want to see this guy's name come up on the WIA lists but I don't have any interest in speaking with him unless he can stow his immature caveman bullshit. |
Private Cinder Brand. With the addition of Salazar and this one, it appears that marine life is apparently becoming taller and more attractive. Strange, though, this chick looks like the type that'd be worried about chipping a nail and she's apparently slugging it out with the best of them. Gotta respect that. |
Corporal Morrigan Barghest. One of the two reasons I don't refer to Panda as 'that shaved ape' around other marines. This girl's hands could bend my Viper in two it seems. |
Sergeant John "Dutch" Elder. The other of the two reasons. This guy's hardcore. |
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The Skinny |
Lieutenant JG Martin "Dash" Tyler Black. My capacity for stupidity sometimes exceeds my ability to think rationally. Sometimes this results in good times and sometimes this results in unexplainable tragedy. I don't think that I'm a stupid man, in fact I know that I'm not. I just tend to not take things too seriously as a means of coping. I mean, what are we supposed to do? Scream and throw ourselves to the ground and never get up? I figure as long as there's one son of a bitch willing to not try to get over it but get past it, then maybe I'll help people make it through this war. But it's been said many times that I'm always so damned concerned about everyone else. Maybe I should start listening. I've started listening, and my world's becoming a much better place…if only I can keep it going. |
Timeline of Events
Recent Logs With Kamran Zaris
Kamran's Music
- Nerdy little math theorem problems.
- Chicken, particularly grilled.
- Bland snacks, particularly brown ale, crusty bread, and cheese.
- Watching, not playing, pyramid.
- Applying and receiving tattoos.
- Tea, Cornbread, and Green onions.
- Dogs and Cows.
- Anyone that can stimulate his mind.
- The underdog, he'll never miss an opportunity to root for the person with something to prove.
- Dramatic Thriller movies and actual, honest theatre. He got a taste for it during Academy.
- Piano music, dark little sonatas and chamber music.
- Baked beans over toast and the infamous "Eggy in a Basket"
- Idle games of passing a pyramid ball.
- Honest trading, because sometimes an old paperback novel is not worth an extra blanket, but it can be worth something of equal value.
- Airheads
- Pilots that complain about getting hit. His ship doesn't get to dodge much.
- Carelessness when on duty.
- Discarded food wrappers or half-eaten food left to spoil. What gives?
- People who mistreat animals and/or act as if they're owed something for being born affluent.
- Slapstick comedy.
- While he has no problem with people who are not religious, he dislikes people who insult people for being religious.
- People who complain about their duties, when their duties are far less hazardous or manual than others.
- Human Canvas.
- There's got to be a dog somewhere, right? Even if it's a shared duty, it'd be nice to have a dog to throw a ball to.
- Real Food.
- A pair of headphones and some music to listen to.
- Word on the status of Aerelon, in particular the area around Kilgore.
- The status of the Battlestar: Triton.
- Some manner of personal sized data-slate that he can write on with a light pen, rather than using up the paper supply.
- The time to journal.
- Dark, dimly lit pubs with dartboards.
- Football (not American).
- Las Vegas and card counting.
- The Appalachian region of the US.
- Turner Classic Movies.